Minutes of Horwood Lovacott & Newton Tracey Parish Council Meeting held on Friday 18 September 2015 in Horwood and Newton Tracey Primary School at 7.30pm.
It had been necessary to alter the date of the Meeting from Wednesday, 9 September 2015.
Chaired by: Councillor R Cane
Clerked by: Sue Squire
Present: Councillors
R Cane
Mrs G Penny
Mrs F Sluman
Mrs K Smart
County Councillor F Biederman
District Councillor B Moores
Members of the Public
Agenda: -
The Chairman extended a welcome to newly co-opted Councillor Mrs F Sluman.
Councillor Mrs Sluman to have signed the relevant paperwork / form passed to her by Councillor Mrs Smart.
Public Participation.
Declarations of Interest.
Apologies. Councillor L Fairlie, District Councillor B Moores.
To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 12 August 2015.
Approved and signed as a correct record.
Matters Arising for reporting only:
DCC Planning Application to increase the capacity of Deep Moor Tip. This Parish’s letter of representation had been sent.
Up to date list of Councillors. This had been prepared by the Clerk.
Parish Assets. Councillors Fairlie and Cane to advise regarding re-varnishing notice boards / nettles under bench in Parish Field.
The Primary School had been asked about the allotments.
Devon Rural Housing Partnership. A letter had been sent confirming this Parish would like to be involved.
Devon Access to Services Project. The letter had been sent to The Woodcott News for inclusion.
In House Councillor Training. Confirmation that this Parish’s Councillors can join Berrynarbor Parish Councillors on 24 September.
Matters Arising for further discussion:
One Wind Renewables. Reply to this Parish’s representations regarding damaged hedges following the delivery of the wind turbine at Lower Litchardon Farm.
Website Specification Wording. Councillor Fairlie to report.
Ambulance Response Times. Details had been received in connection with the ongoing discussion regarding the possibility / viability of the provision of a defibrillator.
Reports for the last month.
7.1 Police. Email received giving details of a change in personnel.
7.2 County Councillor F Biederman.
7.3 District Councillor B Moores.
7.4 Mrs S Squire, Parish Clerk. Report of her attendance at a Meeting regarding grass and verge cutting organised by Barnstaple Town Council had been circulated to Councillors. As a follow up, a map of the areas currently cut had been requested.
This is also a follow up of the item raised by Councillor Mrs Penny.
Planning & Planning Correspondence.
8.1 Planning Applications: The following Application was considered. The Applications are available to view on North Devon Council website: www.northdevon.gov.uk/planning (click on search, track & comment on applications)
59422 – Outline Application for erection of six dwellings (three open market, three affordable), new entrance, parking & garages – Higher Westaway, Newton Tracey.
59821 – Erection of one building to cover silage pit at Holmacott Farm, Instow.
8.2 Planning Correspondence. The following North Devon Council Decision Notices were noted:
- 58846 – Change of use of agricultural land to form extension to residential curtilage at Stableway Cottage, Newton Tracey.
- 59530 – Removal of Condition 2 (occupancy restriction) attached to Planning Peremission 2/85/1571/27/3 to allow year round use at Acorn Cottage, Newton Tracey.
- 59634 – Extension to dwelling at Stableway Cottage, Newton Tracey.
59358 – Installation of one 100Kw wind turbine (height 34.2m, height to hub 22m, blade diameter 24.4m) & associated works (amended plan) at Parsonage Farm, Newton Tracey.
Correspondence. Publications Received were put on the table to see and read.
Various emails have been circulated to Councillors on different subjects such as the Rural Services Network; Newsletters; Surveys; Consultations; DCC Changes to Neighbourhood Highways Group; Tony Hogg’s Monthly Report; Devon Association of Local Councils Update; Seascape Character Assessment; DCC Minerals Consultation; DCC Community News Roundup.
9.1 DAPC Newsletter. As a result of this publication, Point 8, the Clerk suggested that Councillors consider registering with the Information Commissioners Office for Data Protection.
9.2 DCC Highways. Temporary road closures:
From 16 – 18 September. Roads affected: Furze Ball to Hoopers Cottage, Horwood, for patching works.
On 15 September. Road past Higher Rookabear for patching works. There is no alternative route.
The notices are being displayed in the notice boards.
Balances: Lloyds Bank Treasurers Account as at 13/8/15: £11,999.63
Santander Business Account as at 7/9/15” £13.808
Budgetary figures for August were tabled.
10.1 To consider a request for a donation from St Michael’s Church, Horwood for the upkeep of the Churchyard. A letter of request and a copy of the latest set of accounts have been provided to comply with the relevant criteria when requesting a grant.
10. 2 The following payments were approved and authorised:
Mrs S Squire September Salary £89.44
Contribution towards Broadband £ 3.00
Photocopying (2 months) £13.80 £106.24
HMRC August PAYE £ 22.40
Came & Company Insurance renewal premium due on 1/10/15 £293.01
10.2. Facility for ‘view only’ statements online. The paperwork had been received from the Bank to proceed.
10.3 Visibility Mirror. The Clerk had obtained costings for further consideration.
10.4 Western Power Distribution. It was noted that the annual Wayleave cheque in the sum of £24.38 had been received.
10.5 Grant Thornton. External Auditors. The 2015 Annual Return has been signed off. One item had been raised: Timing of the Audit. The annual Governance Statement was completed on 18/5/15 and the independent internal auditor’s report was dated 2/6/15 after the Council gave a positive response to assertion 6 on Section 2 of the Annual Return. If the Council gives a positive response to assertion 6 before the independent internal auditor has completed their report at Section 4, the Council must be able to explain on what basis it was appropriate to give a positive response to the assertion that it has maintained throughout the year an adequate and effective system of internal audit of the Council’s accounting records and control systems.
The Clerk advised that she had been in telephone conversation with a supervisor at Grant Thornton in this regard, advising that the external auditor had requested various items as far back as February 2015 when the audit was commenced ahead of the Annual Return being completed.
It was further explained that the timing of a Parish Council Meeting, getting the Annual Return to the internal auditor and then ensuring that the Annual Return was sent to Grant Thornton by the deadline date was a challenge. Grant Thornton’s theory seemed straightforward, but in practice, was not always practical.
Matters raised by Councillors/ Clerk including Highways Issues.
Date of next Meeting: Wednesday, 14 October 2015 in Horwood and Newton Tracey Primary School at 7.30pm.
Due to the Parish Clerk being on leave the week prior to the Meeting, the paperwork for the Meeting will be sent by 30 September 2015. Adequate provision will be made on the Agenda for Planning Applications and Correspondence received.
Summary of Decisions:
These Minutes are agreed by those present as being a true record.
Chair of Horwood Lovacott & Newton Tracey Parish Council: