PRESENT: Councillor Miss G Edsell (Chairman), Councillors J Bennett, Mrs J Lock, B Tilbury, Mrs L Wilkinson.
Also in attendance: County Councillor F Biederman, District Councillor B Moores and Mrs S Squire, Parish Clerk.
119. Apologies. Councillor K Moore, PCSO J McEldon.
120. Declarations of Interest. None.
121. Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 10/12/14.
Approved and signed as a correct record.
122. Public Participation regarding items not on the Agenda.
No public were present.
123. Reports:
123.1 Police. When sending her apologies, PCSO McEldon advised there had been no reported crime between 12/12/14 & 14/1/15.
123.2 County Councillor F Biederman advised there was nothing to report apart from the fact that the move by DCC from the Civic Centre was progressing. Councillors and parishioners were invited to contact him with any questions.
Councillor Tilbury advised of litter on the Link Road between the Roundswell and Tesco roundabout and also on the B3232.
Councillor Bennett had witnessed items flying from the recycling lorry but was unable to obtain the registration number in order to report it.
Councillors Biederman and Moores would look into this.
123.3 District Councillor B Moores advised there was nothing to report apart from the fact that the move from the Civic Centre is progressing.
Councillors and parishioners were invited to contact him with any questions.
124. Matters Arising.
124.1 The Orchards.
A copy of the latest approved Governing Body Minutes had been received.
Allotments. The Governing Body had replied to advise that their discussions with North Devon Homes are still continuing and nothing has been agreed as to if and when the School can return the allotment to The Orchards. The Parish Council will be informed if anything is agreed.
North Devon Homes had confirmed that the bungalow owned by them is to be let at market value. No decision had yet been taken as to the long term plans for the property.
124.2 Citizen of the Year. There had been two nominations:
Mrs Barbara Terrell and Mr Ken Moore.
Councillor Mrs Lock proposed a voucher £10.00 each, seconded by Councillor Mrs Wilkinson and agreed with one abstention.
Action Point: The Clerk to obtain 2 One4all Post Office Gift Cards which can be used at over 17,000 retailers including Argos, Boots, B&Q, Currys, Debenhams, Hamleys, House of Fraser, JJB Sports, New Look, Pizza Express, River Island, Top Shop and many more, and send to them.
This item would not be pursued in the future.
124.3 Inspection Covers at Bartridge Bridge and Belladown Hill. Further representations had been made following accidents at these locations.
124.4 Information Board by the Memorial at Horwood. Councillor Miss Edsell reiterated her thoughts on this initiative.
Action Point: To be discussed at the February Meeting when Councillor K Moore was present.
124.5 Quarterly Inspections of the Parish Council’s Assets. Councillors Tilbury, Bennett and Mrs Lock advised that all was in order and nothing to report. The Asset Inspection Book was updated.
Action Point: The Clerk to make a diary note for the assets to be inspected in March.
125. Planning. The following Application had been received on the morning of the Meeting:
125.1 58574 – Prior Approval Application for change of use from agricultural building to a dwelling house MB (A) (B) at barn at Holmacott Farm, Holmacott, Instow.
It was resolved to recommend approval as long as architectural design was in keeping with the local neighbourhood and minimal outside lighting and satisfactory allowance is made for the wildlife.
126. Planning Correspondence.
126.1 Development Boundary for Newton Tracey. A reply had been received following this Council’s enquiry with regard to the implications regarding a boundary change which had been advised to Councillors.
The Clerk had attempted to contact a ND Council official in connection with wording for a Survey of Newton Tracey residents with regard to a development for which tentative enquiries only had been made at this stage but the telephone call had not been returned.
Councillors made the decision not to progress a Survey at the risk of it setting a precedent and due to the fact that a consultation had been held in Lovacott Village Hall on 3/4/13 for residents to give their opinions of the North Devon and Torridge Local Plan.
126.2 Mosscliffe Environmental. Pre-Application Consultation on the installation of a single wind turbine at Woolmers Farm in the Parish of Fremington.
Councillors decided to make no comment until a Planning Application is received.
127. Finance.
127.1 The following payments were approved and authorised:
Mrs S Squire
January Salary £87.43
Contribution towards Broadband £ 3.00
Photocopying £10.95 £101.38
HMRC January PAYE £ 22.00
Mr B Tilbury Reimbursement for padlock for the pump house £ 2.99
127.3 Balance of the Lloyds Treasurers Account as at 18/12/14: £8,690.25
Santander Business Account. Account summary for 9/4/13 – 8/12/14: £13.72.
Budgetary figures for December 2014 were circulated.
127.4 Hire of Parish Field. It was noted that the sum of £600.00 had been received from Devon County Council.
127.5 Grass Cutting Contract. To agree the wording for the Tender, the current arrangements expiring in March.
The previous wording was revisited.
Proposed by Councillor Bennett, seconded by Councillor Tilbury and unanimously agreed for the same wording to apply with one minor alteration of ‘Playing’ Field to be amended to ‘Parish’ Field.
The grass cutting contract would be for 3 years and the contract to be awarded at the March Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 11th.
Those who wished to tender should send the details to the Clerk in an envelope marked ‘Tender’ to be opened at the Meeting on 11/3/15.
The Tender advert to be included in the Woodcott News.
128. Correspondence. There was no correspondence to consider.
129. Parish Council Compliance.
129.1 Standing Orders. To make a decision as to whether to adopt.
The existing document had been reviewed by the Working Party comprising Councillors Miss Edsell, Bennett and Tilbury. Comments made by Councillors Mrs Lock and Wilkinson were discussed.
The document to be reviewed on an annual basis.
Proposed by Councillor Bennett, seconded by Councillor Tilbury and unanimously agreed.
130. Notices & Publications Received - were put on the table to see & read.
131. Items raised by Councillors/Clerk.
131.1 Councillor Miss Edsell advised that following a complaint from a parishioner regarding hedge trimmings in the area around and behind the notice board at Lovacott, the area around the notice board has been cleared.
131.2 Councillor Tilbury spoke about a large tractor tyre that had been left on the verge resting against a hedge 100 yards past the Memorial for the crashed aircraft and six lives lost, towards Horwood.
Action Point: The Clerk to report this as fly tipping.
131.3 Councillor Bennett was concerned about the state of roads and verges around the area. Litter was left uncollected, road edges were collapsing and there were potholes.
Action Point: To be included on the February Agenda.
132. Items for the next Agenda. Those identified from these Minutes.
The Meeting ended at 9.12pm.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, 11 February 2015 in Horwood & Newton Tracey Primary School at 7.30pm.