Minutes of Horwood Lovacott & Newton Tracey Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday, 12 August 2015 in Horwood & Newton Tracey Primary School at 7.30pm.

Chaired by:  Councillor R Cane
Clerked by:  Sue Squire

Present:  Councillors
R Cane
L Fairleigh
Mrs K Smart
District Councillor B Moores
1 Member of the public

Agenda: -
Co-option of Parish Councillors
Declarations of Interest
Public Participation
To approve the Minutes of 8 July 2015
Matters Arising
Reports for the last month
Planning & Planning Correspondence
Matters raised by Councillors / Clerk including
Highway Issues
Date of next Meeting

1.  Co-option of Parish Councillors. 

There are three vacancies on the Parish Council to be filled by co-option.
A letter of request to be co-opted had been received from Felicity Reid.
Councillor Cane proposed that Miss Reid was co-opted, seconded by Councillor Mrs Smart and unanimously agreed.
The relevant paperwork comprising forms to sign and legislation / compliance to read and keep was taken by Councillor Mrs Smart to hand to newly co-opted Miss Reid, shortly to become Mrs Sluman.

2. Apologies.  

Councillor Mrs G Penny, County Councillor F Biederman.

3.  Declarations of Interest. 


4.  Public Participation.  None.

5.  To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 8 July 2015.
Approved and signed as a correct record.

6.  Matters Arising.
6.1  Speeding on the B3232 through Newton Tracey / Planning Application to increase the capacity of Deep Moor Tip.
Confirmation had been obtained that there is a Planning Application to increase the capacity of Deep Moor Tip.
The following reply to be sent from this Parish Council:
Horwood Lovacott and Newton Tracey Parish Council is not a consultee, but would like to make the comment that should the Application be approved, the Parish Council would welcome highway improvement, especially in Newton Tracey concerning breaking characteristics, safety and in particular activation signage warning of approaching vehicles.

Details of accidents had been obtained from the Police although it was pointed out that there will always be a disparity between the number of collisions recorded by the Police and resident’s awareness.

The Road Traffic Act (RTA) only requires the Police to record injury collisions, not damage only. In addition, the Police should record collision details where drivers have not complied with the RTA by exchanging details following a damage only collision.

The Police clarified “record” injury collisions by advising that this means that a collision report is submitted by the attending officer to the Collisions Unit. If a damage only collision is reported to the Force Enquiry System, although a call log will be created, it does not mean it is recorded, and this is often a point of contention or argument between the figures produced by the Police and local knowledge.

Councillor Cane suggested building up of an accident record, encouraging people to report all known accidents.

District Councillor Moores advised that the Police have to record reports of ‘dangerous driving’ rather than ‘speeding’ and a log could be built up in this way

6.2  Website letter of authority. It was noted note this had been sent.

6.3  Letter to the Police regarding a Police presence at Meetings.  It was noted this had been sent.

6.4  List of Councillors. A new list had been prepared. To be updated with details of the newly co-opted Councillor.

6.5  Link to Village Green Magazine.  This had been sent to Councillors.

6.6  Statement of Internal Control had been sent to newly co-opted Councillor Mrs Penny.

6.7  Venue of Meetings.  The Clerk had booked the Primary School for all future Meetings.

6.8  In House Training. Councillors were advised by the Clerk that she had organised in-house training for Berrynarbor Parish Council on 24 September and Councillors wished to attend this as the date was convenient for those present and it would also save the Parish Council money by not having to pay separately for training, although some cost would be involved.

6.9  Quarterly Inspection of Parish Assets.  Councillors to report.

Councillor Fairlie  – Lovacott
The notice board was in order.  He had not had opportunity of re-varnishing it as yet.

The benches in the Parish field were unusable due to nettles growing underneath.  In addition, there was tall grass growing around the goalposts.
The benches require re-painting which he would attend to.

Councillor Cane will strim the overgrown areas.
Councillor Cane wanted to encourage young people in the village and suggested a survey of needs was undertaken at some point. 

Councillor Fairilie further advised that the School allotment and connecting paths were overgrown.  It was known that the School was using the School field on a temporary basis while its own allotments could not be used due to the building of The Orchards.  Now that the development had been completed, the School to be asked if there is the intention to vacate the School field and return to its own former allotment site.

Councillor Mrs Smart advised that the Newton Tracey notice board was in order.  Councillor Fairlie would re-varnish this one also.

Councillor Cane advised that the notice board in Horwood was in order and did not require re-varnishing.

6.10 Bullet Points of Minutes in The Woodcott News. This had been submitted and was welcomed by the Editor.

7.  Reports for the last month.
7.1  Police.  Not present.  Councillors expressed disappointment of no Police presence or not receiving a Report.

7.2  County Councillor F Biederman.  Apologies sent.

7.3  District Councillor B Moores welcomed parishioners to contact him and would also like to appraise issues before a Parish Council Meeting so that he can research the item and bring the most up to date details to the Meeting.
He congratulated the Parish Council for resurrecting itself and was confident that it would progress and be a good team.
Full Council Meetings of North Devon Council would be returning to the Council Chamber of the Civic Centre for the next year.  There were North Devon Council offices in Barnstaple at various locations and two meeting rooms were available at the Brynsworthy site for Executive Meetings but not Full Council.
Litter was discussed where an improvement had been seen.  Councillor Moores works closely with County Councillor F Biederman.

Councillor Moores contact details were:  The Old Stables, Quay Lane, Instow, EX39 4JR.
Telephone: 01271 861213.  Email:  brian.moores@northdevon.gov.uk

8.  Planning & Planning Correspondence.
8.1  Planning Application: 
59634 – Extension to dwelling at Stableway Cottage, Newton Tracey.
It was resolved to recommend approval.

8.2  Planning Correspondence. 
8.2.1  Horwood House.  It was noted that the Enforcement Officer had been advised of representations received on two separate occasions and confirmation received that the matter was being investigated by an Enforcement Officer at North Devon Council.  This Council would be advised when the investigations had been concluded.

8.2.2   Notification of Planning Appeal. Land at Eastleigh Barton, Eastleigh, Bideford  (in the Parish of Westleigh).  It was noted that further representations have been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate.

8.2.3  In connection with the enquiry from North Devon Council regarding open space priorities for Newton Tracey, the suggestion has been made by Councillor Mrs Penny for a Play Area in the Playing Field.
This was further considered and Councillors were keen to gauge the feeling of parishioners, particularly with the near neighbours, local children and the Primary School.

A member of the public informed that the Parish field was for all ages and various suggestions for its use had been made in the past.
There was an agreement that were would be no structures on the field.
Tentative enquiries to be made before the matter is further discussed.

9.  Correspondence.  

Publications Received were put on the table to see and read.

9.1  Devon Rural Housing Partnership.  Letter received asking the Parish Council to identify where there is (1) a perceived need for affordable housing for local people (2) suitable land available (3) Parish Council support for taking proposals forward, if there is a proven need. The letter had been emailed separately to Councillors to study ahead of the Meeting.
To reply confirming this Parish Council would like to be involved.

9.2  Devon Access to Services Project. Letter regarding a Community Car Scheme to help people attend medical appointments should they have transport difficulties.  The letter had been emailed separately to Councillors to study ahead of the Meeting.
This article to be sent to The Woodcott News for possible inclusion.

9.3  Devon Communities Together (formerly the Community Council of Devon). Launch of community enterprise scheme. Councillors had been emailed details of this to study. 
Councillors expressed the wish to be kept informed of this scheme.

9.4  Minutes of Fremington Rural – Communities Fund Meeting on 22/7/15 attended by Councillor R Cane.
The Meeting identified the possibility of providing a defibrillator in the Parish with the aid of the North Devon Community Fund (formerly the TAP (Town & Parish) Fund), and this was further discussed although nothing definite was agreed.
The Clerk had contacted an officer at Torridge District Council as it was known that Parkham Parish Council were investigating the possibility of a defibrillator and the question was asked whether the two Parishes could be partnered so as to submit a funding request to benefit both Parishes and a reply was awaited from Torridge District Council.
In connection with the possibility of a defibrillator, Councillor Cane requested the Clerk to obtain ambulance response times and these details were awaited.

9.5  One Wind Renewables Ltd. In connection with previous correspondence and a request from this Council to advise the likely time that the wind turbine is to be constructed at Lower Litchardon Farm, an email has been received to advise this will most likely be mid-August. 
Councillors advised that the turbine had been constructed.
It was noted that in the transportation of the turbine, some of the hedges had been damaged.
The Clerk to write and ask for the hedges to be reinstated.

10.  Finance. 

Balances.  Lloyds Treasurers Account as at 16/7/15: £12,124.57

Santander Business Account as at 7/7/15:                                          £13.78

Budgetary figures for July were tabled. 

10.1  Councillors considered requests for a grant / donation from the following:
-  Newton Tracey Parish Church for a grant for the maintenance of the Churchyard.
- South Molton Tourist Information Centre – contribution to funding.
Letters of request and a copy of the latest set of accounts have been supplied to comply with criteria laid down by the Audit Commission.
Councillor Mrs Smart proposed a donation of £200.00 for Newton Tracey Parish Church.  Seconded by Councillor Cane and unanimously agreed.

South Molton Tourist Information Centre.  Councillors did not agree to a donation, feeling there were other Tourist Information Centres closer to the Parish.

10. 2  The following payments were approved and authorised:
Mrs S Squire                 

August Salary                                                        £89.44
Contribution towards Broadband                           £  3.00        
Shared contribution towards the cost of envelopes   £  2.50
Contribution towards petrol expenses (November 2014 – July 2015)  £30.00      £124.94 

HMRC                                          August PAYE                                                            £  22.40

Newton Tracey Parish Church Grant towards the maintenance of the Churchyard  £ 200.00

South Molton Information Centre  Donation towards running costs             £Not authorised  

Horwood Website. Donation for Parish Council space on the website. £7 per month suggested.  

 Councillors considered that a payment of £28.00 to October would be appropriate, to give time for website considerations to have been made.

10.2  Lloyds Bank Mandate.  It was noted that the change of signatories has been noted on the Bank’s system.  

10.3. Facility for ‘view only’ statements online.  The paperwork was awaited from the Bank to proceed.

10.4  Website.  The wording for a Tender document to be prepared inviting quotations for a website was agreed as follows: 

11.  Matters raised by Councillors/ Clerk including Highways Issues.
11.1  Mrs S Squire, Parish Clerk – Annual Leave.  From 1 – 12 October 2015.  This will mean that the paperwork for the October Meeting will be sent out at the end of September.

11.2  Councillor Mrs Penny:  (1)  a visibility mirror by the School   (2)  cutting of grass and verges.
In connection with the visibility mirror, the Clerk to obtain costings.
Regarding grass and verge cutting, the Clerk to ask for the County list giving details of the areas which are cut by Devon County Council.

Councillor Fairlie advised he had made representations to County Councillor Biederman regarding the footpath from Newton Cross to Newton Tracey which was badly overgrown. He was concerned that pedestrians, particularly people with prams / pushchairs and perhaps a toddler walking alongside would be at risk from traffic due to the path being unable to be used because of the overgrowth of vegetation.

County Councillor Biederman had arranged for this to be cut.

12.  Date of next Meeting:

Wednesday, 9 September 2015 in Horwood and Newton Tracey Primary School at 7.30pm.

The Meeting ended at 10.19pm.


Summary of Decisions:
Co-option of Felicity Reid as a Parish Councillor
Minutes of 8 July 2015
Response to the DCC Planning Application to extend the capacity of Deep Moor tip
Planning Application 59634 – Stableway Cottage, Newton Tracey
Donation to Newton Tracey Parish Church for the upkeep of the burial ground

These Minutes are agreed by those present as being a true record.


Chair of Horwood Lovacott & Newton Tracey Parish Council:


Horwood, Lovacott and Newton Tracey Parish Council